Sunday, 15 April 2012


What is Cyber Language?

The technology of electronic communication has provided a third medium, which occupies the middle ground between spoken and written language, and reflects the fact that the Internet is electronic, global and interactive. In other words, cyber language is written language, but reads as if it is spoken language. The nature of the language does, however, depend on the technology being used and the recipient; email messages, for example, may resemble a traditional letter or written speech.

Examples of Variation on Abbreviations, Emoticons & Smiley

Variation on Abbreviations:

ASAP    As Soon As Posible
BRB       Be Right Back
BTW      By The Way
FYI        For Your Information
AKA     Also Known As
FAQ      Frequently Ask Questions

Emoticons & Smiley :

Atom Bomb    @==
Sad                : (
Kiss               : *
Happy            : )
Yawn            : 0
Mustache      : {

Situation :
A person cannot express their feeling toward other internet user (usually friends, bloggers, chatters & etc) directly through internet. But using abbreviation, emoticons & smileys, they can show their feeling toward other. This will make internet users to express their feeling at that moment to other, although they are staying in different place. 


Information sharing is describes the exchange of data between various organizations, people and technologies.

There are several types of information sharing:
  • Information shared by individuals (such as a video shared on Facebook or YouTube)
  • Information shared by organizations (such as the RSS feed of an online weather report)
  • Information shared between firmware/software (Such as the IP addresses of available network nodes or the availability of disk space)
There are several top information sharing tools in the internet. I will give you the pros & cons of each site in order to have a clear view what is the usage of each site in the information sharing terms.


Advantages of Dropbox:
  • 2GB free (only signup required)
  • Has its own folder within Windows Explorer or the Macintosh Finder so you can easily drag-and-drop files and folders into the 'Dropbox' folder
  • Continues to synchronise files even if you modify them
  • Allows you to recover deleted files and folders via the Dropbox website
  • Allows you to make specific files and folders public via the 'Public' folder; upload screenshots, etc
  • Allows you to upload and download files and folders via the Dropbox website at any time
  • Low cost paid plans starting at $9.99 per month (can be purchased in the UK too) for 50GB of space. And you can upgrade your plan to a maximum 100GB space (if you require more storage you'll need to contact Dropbox about it for a bigger plan).
  • Available on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux (apps are also available for iOS, Android and BlackBerry).

Disadvantages to Dropbox:

  • Microsoft's Windows Live SkyDrive offers 25GB of storage versus Dropbox's 2GB of storage.
  • The service provider did not responsible if any information leaks through the storage system.

2. Social Networking

Advantages :

  • Facebook has become a professionally developing site rather than just a social network.
  • Social Networking has revolutionized the way we think and opened wider perspectives.
  • Social Networking are global and 24/7.
  • Social Networking should be harnessed by 21 century teachers with enthusiasm.
  • Use Facebook for personal contacts and wide our contact around the globe .
  • Social Networking are an extension of discussions. 
  • Social Networking create friends which lead to face to face meetings.
  • Share worksheets/mind maps for students, time-saving.
  • Twitter tags can inform parents’ of students’ progress.
  • Non-native teachers are also exposed to real language in the modern world.
Disadvantages :

  • All Social Networking are time-consuming.
  • Some teachers find Social Networking too daunting to tackle.
  • Social Networking can become addictive. They can take over your life, leaving little time for family and friends. Knowing when to stop is crucial – try to switch off!
  • A person can be cheated by a fake user profile.
  • A person can be stalked by others users.
We all being shocked by earth quake in Aceh recently. The earth quake happened in 5pm (local time) but before 7pm (local time) most Malaysian who has FB,Twitter & other social networks has being alert about the earth quake and potential Tsunami that can hit west Malaysia especially Penang, Langkawi. This news spread fast via social networks, without those social networks it is impossible Malaysia can be alerted about the earth quake because prime news in Malaysia only on air in 8pm. 

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Online Communication

Synchronous & Asynchronous Communication

Using internet, we as user can interacting via 2 ways. The 1st way is by Synchronous and the 2nd way is via Asynchronous. What is both bombastic words means? Here I have elaborate details in words & table to make a better understanding from the reader views. 

Synchronous Tools
Synchronous tools enable real-time communication and collaboration in a "same time-different place" mode. These tools allow people to connect at a single point in time, at the same time. Synchronous tools possess the advantage of being able to engage people instantly and at the same point in time. The primary drawback of synchronous tools is that, by definition, they require same-time participation -different time zones and conflicting schedules can create communication challenges. In addition, they tend to be costly and may require significant bandwidth to be efficient.
ToolUseful forDrawbacks
Audio conferencingDiscussions and dialogueCost, especially when international participation is involved
Web conferencingSharing presentations and informationCost, bandwidth; may also require audio conferencing to be useful
Video conferencingIn-depth discussions with higher-touch interactionsCost, limited availability of video conferencing systems
ChatInformation sharing of low-complexity issuesUsually requires typing, "lower touch" experience
Instant messagingAd hoc quick communicationsAll users must use compatible system, usually best for 1:1 interactions
White boardingCo-development of ideasCost, bandwidth; may also require audio conferencing to be useful
Application sharingCo-development of documentsCost, bandwidth; may also require audio conferencing to be useful

Asynchronous Tools
Asynchronous tools enable communication and collaboration over a period of time through a "different time-different place" mode. These tools allow people to connect together at each person's own convenience and own schedule. Asynchronous tools are useful for sustaining dialogue and collaboration over a period of time and providing people with resources and information that are instantly accessible, day or night. Asynchronous tools possess the advantage of being able to involve people from multiple time zones. In addition, asynchronous tools are helpful in capturing the history of the interactions of a group, allowing for collective knowledge to be more easily shared and distributed. The primary drawback of asynchronous technologies is that they require some discipline to use when used for ongoing communities of practice (e.g., people typically must take the initiative to "login" to participate) and they may feel "impersonal" to those who prefer higher-touch synchronous technologies.
ToolUseful forDrawbacks
Discussion boardsDialogue that takes place over a period of timeMay take longer to arrive at decisions or conclusions
Web logs (Blogs)Sharing ideas and commentsMay take longer to arrive at decisions or conclusions
Messaging (e-mail)One-to-one or one-to-many communicationsMay be misused as a "collaboration tool" and become overwhelming
Streaming audioCommunicating or teachingStatic and typically does not provide option to answer questions or expand on ideas
Streaming videoCommunicating or teachingStatic and typically does not provide option to answer questions or expand on ideas
Narrated slideshowsCommunicating or teachingStatic and typically does not provide option to answer questions or expand on ideas
"Learning objects"
(Web-based training)
Teaching and trainingTypically does not provide option to answer questions or expand on ideas in detail
Document librariesManaging resourcesVersion control can be an issue unless check-in / check-out functionality is enabled
DatabasesManaging information and knowledgeRequires clear definition and skillful administration
Web booksTeaching and trainingNot dynamic and may lose interest of users
Surveys and pollsCapturing information and trendsRequires clear definition and ongoing coordination
Shared CalendarsCoordinating activitiesSystem compatibility
Web site linksProviding resources and referencesMay become outdated and "broken"

Friday, 13 April 2012

Basic Search Technique 

Everyone who want to find information in the internet want the best answer for their inquires. But not most of the internet user know how to get specific information they wished for. Here I wrote steps how internet user can get the precise answer from their inquires :)

1. Identify your concepts
When planning your search, break down your topic into its separate concepts. Let's say you're interested in the effects of global warming on crops. In this case, you have two concepts: GLOBAL WARMING and CROPS.

2. Make a list of search terms for each concept
Once you have identified your concepts, list the terms which describe each concept. Some concepts may have only one term, while others may have many.
global warming
greenhouse effect
greenhouse gases
climate change
crop yields
crop production
food supply
These lists are a suggestion. Depending on the focus of your search, there may be other terms more suited to what you're looking for.

3. Phrase Search and Exact Word Search

Some words naturally appear in the context of a phrase, for example, freedom of the press. To search on phrases in most search engines, simply enclose the phrase within quotes: "freedom of the press".
Phrases are especially important when there are STOP WORDS in your search. These are "little" words such as a, and, the, in, it, etc. Most search engines tend to ignore these words. If you want to be sure they are included in your search results, enclose them with the rest of your search within quotes.
In fact, whenever you want to search any word exactly as you have typed it, enclose the word within quotes:"president". In many search engines, this will ensure that only this exact word will be searched. The search engine will not look for any variations, such as presidents, presidential, etc.

4.Field Search

Field searching is an optional way to focus your search results. With general search engines, you're searching the full text of many millions of pages, and field searching can help you retrieve results that may be more manageable. For example, you can search for words that appear within a particular Web site, within the URL (Web address), in the page title, and so on. The exact technique for doing this can differ among search engines, so be sure to check out the Help pages before proceeding. Let's consider a couple of examples on Google.
A title search can bring you more relevant results than merely searching for words that appear anywhere on the Web page. It's more likely that a document that contains your search words in the title will be more relevant that a document that does not. For this reason, many search engines use title words as an important way of ranking search results in order of their relevancy.
5.Title Field 
Let's look for Web pages that contain our search terms in the page title. Again, we'll use Google to try this out, revisiting its advanced search page. Here, you need to open up the page to display all its options by clicking on the plus sign (+) near the bottom of the page next to the options for Date, usage rights, numeric range, and more.

Where your keywords show up gives you the option to select in the title of the page. Let's search forhurricane caribbean deaths.
Notice that Google translated this search into allintitle: hurricane caribbean deaths. If you memorize this search syntax, you can conduct this search from Google's main search page.
6. Site field
Searching on the site field is another useful way of finding relevant results. In this case, you search on the top-level and second-level domain names together, and then use AND logic to add topical words to your search.
You can read about domain structures in the tutorial A Basic Guide to the World Wide Web. Briefly, to take an example shown below: "nasa" is a second-level domain, and "gov" is a top-level domain.
Examples of sites:
Let's look at an example of a site search. Let's say you are searching for information about spacewalks conducted by NASA. Try this: spacewalks This search will limit your results to pages on the NASA Web site.
Notice that all the results come from the site You can also go to the advanced search page on Google to conduct this search.

This is the top 5 best search engines last year. You will get a reliable information searching through those search engines :)  

Top Search Engines for 2011

1Google – Founded in late 1997, Google is the Big Daddy of Internet. It offers everything on web which no other search engines have offered till date. “You name it Google has it”.
800,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 1 - Complete Rank |      
1 - Quantcast Rank | 1 - Alexa Rank.| Updated 7/1/2011 |

2. Bing – Unveiled on May 28, 2009 by Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, bing (previously in time Live Search, MSN Search and Windows Live Search) is now a search engine. It is advertised  as a “Decision Engine”. Also Bing now powers Yahoo!.
165,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 13 - Complete Rank | 16 - Quantcast Rank | 22 - Alexa Rank.| Updated 7/1/2011 |

3. Yahoo! – Yahoo! is another popular search engine which founded by Jerry Yang and David Filo which was incorporated on March 1, 1995. Being an American Internet corporation, its headquartered in California(CA), United States. Along with Web Portal, Yahoo! Offers Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! News, Yahoo! Video and many more.
160,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | *8* - Complete Rank | *28* - Quantcast Rank | NA - Alexa Rank.| Updated 7/1/2011 |

4.  Ask – Also known as Ask Jeeves in UK. This search engine is basically focused on Q&A. It was founded in 1996 by Garrett Gruener and David Warthen in Berkeley, California. In late 2010 Ask faced   insuperable competition from Google so the company outsourced its web technology to a third party and came to the basics Q&A site.
125,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | 11 - Complete Rank|          14 - Quantcast Rank | 52 - Alexa Rank.| Updated 7/1/2011 |

5.  Aol. - Aol. earlier known as American Online, is an American company which is a Internet services and media company. With over 30 million members worldwide, Aol. is  headquartered in New York(NY) and was founded on 1983 as Control Video Corporation.
33,000,000 - Estimated Unique Monthly Visitors | *336* - Complete Rank | *240* - Quantcast Rank | NA - Alexa Rank.| Updated 7/1/2011 |


To navigate through the World Wide Web or Internetusually byclicking with a mouseThe term also has a generic meaning ofspending time on the Internet.
A. The Different Types of Search Engines
Although the term "search engine" is often used indiscriminately to describe crawler-based search engines, human-powered directories, and everything in between, they are not all the same. Each type of "search engine" gathers and ranks listings in radically different ways.

B. Crawler-Based
Crawler-based search engines such as Google and Yahoo, compile their listings automatically. They "crawl" or "spider" the web, and people search through their listings. These listings are what make up the search engine's index or catalogue. You can think of the index as a massive electronic filing cabinet containing a copy of every web page the spider finds. Because spiders scour the web on a regular basis, any changes you make to a website, or links to or from your own website, may affect your search engine ranking.
It is also important to remember that it may take a while for a spidered page to be added to the index. Until that happens, it is not available to those searching with a search engine.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) refers to making changes to a website so that it can attain higher search engine positions for specific keyphrases in organic results.
Organic results refer to the regular search engine results displayed by crawler-based search engines; as opposed to sponsored results which are paid advertising.

C. Directories
Directories such as Open Directory depend on human editors to compile their listings. Webmasters submit an address, title, and a brief description of their site, and then editors review the submission. Unless you sign up for a paid inclusion program, it may take months for your website to be reviewed. Even then, there's no guarantee that your website will be accepted.
After a website makes it into a directory however, it is generally very difficult to change its search engine ranking. So before you submit to a directory, spend some time working on your titles and descriptions or hire a professional to submit to directories for you.

D. Pay Per Click (sponsored results)
PPC advertising is the name for the ads you see at the top or on the right of the organic results in most search engines. Services such as Yahoo SM, Google AdWords, and MSN AdCenter allow you to pay to show your ads on their search engine results page. How much you pay (your bid), along with the click-through rate of the ad (CTR) and the relevance of the landing page, determine the ranking of your PPC ads.
There are companies such as Red Carpet Web Promotion that set up and manage PPC campaigns for companies that bid on many keyphrases (which can number in the thousands).Contact Red Carpet Web Promotion if this or other web promotion services interest you.